Best Agent Business
Providing part-time virtual assistants to top real estate agents.


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Who are you? That little statement might bring to mind the opening scenes from CSI and the show’s theme song. However, it’s one of the most important questions that must be answered regarding your business. Folks should not have to be forensic investigators to find out who your company is and what you are about.

To grow a successful business, you must have a good marketing plan. Some real estate agents invest as much as 25% in marketing while others have average of 10% set aside in the budget. The greater the investment, the bigger the return.

You need to develop your company’s identity or “brand”. Who are you? Why should people care? What is it that sets you apart in an ocean of realtors? Why should someone choose your company over some other company? What can you provide that other companies can’t or don’t? According to Scott Davis of Brand Asset Management, consumers are exposed to over 6,000 advertisements in an average day. In order to get folks attention, you are going to have to get your “brand” out there.

A good marketing plan is more than just a great looking logo and a snappy tagline. While those elements are “key” in branding your company, it needs to go beyond that. There needs to be interaction with your target market. Emails, brochures, websites, phone calls, Facebook, Twitter or maybe running an ad on the side of a bus downtown are all ways of getting your “brand” out there.

Once you have answered the question or who you are and what you are about, you then need to acquire talented people to help you with design and outreach. We have some “out of the box” thinkers in our Marketing Department who can assist you in promoting your “brand”.


Do you know that there is a man who owns the moon? Like most people you probably thought the moon was just a part of the solar system, a piece of land that wasn't owned by anyone. You are wrong, my friend. The moon has been owned by a man named Jenaro Gajardo Vera since 1954.

This may be a myth, an urban legend, or simply a story someone made up, but no matter what, it is interesting. The story goes that Vera wanted to join a club, but the club was restricted to property owners. He owned no property so his application was denied.

He set out to find a way around this rule and came upon an idea to claim the moon as his property. It is said he got a deed and everything for it. There are even stories that Richard Nixon asked Vera's permission to land on the moon in 1969. it is also said that he got into some tax trouble for not claiming the property on his taxes.

There may be some truth to this story as there are records in Chile that he did file deeds on the moon. We may never know the complete truth, but it is fun to think that real estate could expand into untouched territory and bring many new and interesting opportunities for buyers.


Ok, the real white house is not for sale, but the famous white house replica is on the market. This replica looks just like the white house inside and out. It is not to scale, but it is still impressive. This house is pretty amazing and perfect for the proud American.

The house features 16,500 square feet and is a tourist attraction in North Druid Hills, located in Atlanta, Georgia. This house is quite impressive with its wrought iron gates, authentic looking décor, and little creative treasures throughout.

This house is unusual, unique, but no doubt something everyone wants to get a look at. With all its amazing features you might think that it won't be long before the next resident comes in to call this home. It has been on the market for quite some time now, though, so who knows. Maybe the White house is not the kind of home that your typical American is looking for.

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Maybe you are tired of trying to sell houses. Maybe you want to sell something a bit more exciting or exotic. How about a private island? It may surprise you just how many private islands there are on the market right now.

Take Burnt Island. It is located off Alaska and offer five acres of serene peace. It is priced at about one million dollars and the word is that there has only been one previous owner.

While it may be easy to talk up this piece of land, show the beautiful pictures that have been taken on the island and brag about how nice it would be to own an island, you also have to be realistic.

Many of the private islands for sale on the market are nothing more than some forgotten land in the middle of an ocean. Burnt Island, for example, has a cabin that is said to be quaint and peaceful, but some digging around will reveal that cabin is nothing more than a shack. There are many reports of private islands not being anything like the listing says. From over pricing to overzealous descriptions, things are not always what they seem to be with these so-called serene and stunning pieces of land.

Selling a private island may have a bit of fantasy and whimsy about it, but if you are serious about making money in real estate you should stick to houses. You don't want the headaches that come with properties you really know nothing about.


The current state of the real estate market is taking everything we once believed about owning a home and turning it upside down. The market is getting so bad that people are willing to take drastic measures just to ensure they can afford the roof over their head.

One sad truth about this market is that many people are actually hoping for a foreclosure. They stop paying their mortgage and just sit back and wait on the bank to foreclose. In the meantime they save up the money they would have put towards the mortgage for an apartment. Many people find this is a great solution because they can't afford their home and moving to an apartment would just make more financial sense. Also home prices have fallen so much that selling would cause them to lose more money then foreclosing. That is a sad truth we face these days.

Looking at this market from a buyer's point of view is also out of whack with what you may think. In the past, homes were sold for the best price. Sellers wanted as much as they could get out of their home. Today, most of the homes on the market are bank owned. The banks do not really care about how much money they get, but rather how fast they can get money. What this has crated is a cash market. Banks do not want to wait on loans and payments. People who have cash can steal a home right out from underneath another buyer who is buying with a loan.

These new lessons in real estate make for a tricky market. Nobody really knows how to act. Everything we once thought about real estate has been turned upside down. It makes this a market that is very tricky to work in. It can be a challenge, but understanding the new way people are thinking and how the market is working these days can make it much easier for real estate agents to make money and see great profits.


When you think of preparing a home for sale have you ever added voodoo or an exorcism to your list of things to do? Not likely, but in this tough market, some agents see voodoo and exorcism as requirements to get a house sold. How about feng shui or a Native American cleansing? Believe it or not there are real estate agents all across the country trying these unconventional methods to get houses moving in a hard market.

Some agents are to the point where they will try anything to sell a home. There are stories of many crazy antics by agents who are just trying to get homes to sell by doing anything and everything. This means going beyond just doing perfect staging and open houses more often than usual. Some agents are stepping beyond reason and dipping into unconventional, sometimes controversial, means to sell a home.

The main thought behind such things a voodoo or cleansing rituals is to fix the bad energy in a home. Agents are trying something new. Since conventional methods of trying to sell a house just don't seem to be working they figure there is no harm in trying to get a good energy flow from a little feng shui or banishing bad energy or spirits through an exorcism.

Do you have a hard to sell home? Maybe it is bad energy that is holding you back from making the sale. It never really hurts to try, right? If you are getting desperate then maybe it is time to look into some of these unconventional methods to help you out.


The most expensive house in the world needs a new owner. The house is located in Germany and even has its own name – Waterkuken. Waterkuken is located in the city of Kampen and has been the home to many rich and famous people.

You may be thinking in this market it is hard to push your average home. How do you think it would be trying to sell this home that comes with a staggering price tag of $9 million? Maybe you think you could do it. Would you change your mind if I told you Waterkuken is only 322 square feet? Would you laugh at me?

Waterkuken is actually quite small. The price is not based on square foot, though. You are not really getting more room for your dollar with this house. It is all about the view. The house sits on a little over half an acre. It has views that span across the sea. The setting is quite mystical.

If you want a challenge, especially in today's market, then go ahead and try to sell Waterkuken. Give it a shot and see if you have the skills to sell just about anything.