Best Agent Business
Providing part-time virtual assistants to top real estate agents.

Set Your 2009 Goals!

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Have you been thinking about your 2009 goals? If not, now is the time to not just think about them, but begin to plan them! When the ball drops at midnight on New Year’s Eve, your plans for jump starting your goals should be ready to go.
We at Best Agent Business are big on goals. Steve Kantor, Best Agent Business president, says that he sets annual and monthly goals and achieves about 50-60% of them. While that success rate may seem low, many of his goals are ambitious and have taken him as long as 2 or 3 years to achieve. Set some goals that you know you can achieve and some that seem too high. Do not get down on yourself if you don’t achieve them all. Instead, focus on your success and continue to move forward.
We hope you have set and achieved several goals for 2008. We would love to hear some of your successful goals! Leave us a comment or send us an email with the details of your goal and how you achieved them. If you want help with goal-writing and setting, you can signup at our site


Where Did Those Lost Deals Go?

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Have you ever looked at how many lost deals you have and why they were lost? Certainly some of them are lost due to funding issues or a change of plans, but how many are lost for reasons that you can control or at least influence? How many of your lost leads were picked up by another agent? How many of them decided they just weren’t going to find “the” house? Knowing why your leads are lost can improve your methods in the future. If calling your lost leads can teach you that you are too aggressive or not aggressive enough, then you will know to work on that sales trait in the future. Best Agent Business has a calling team that is ready to make these calls for you. Check with your Key Assistant or email us today to learn more!


How Many Conferences Do You Attend?

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Everyone should attend one conference a year. We attended NAR Orlando this month and met with over 100 people. We attend about 3-6 conferences a year. If you want some advice on best conferences for you to attend based on the stage of your business, feel free to ask.

Here are some future conferences:


What’s Your Favorite Book?

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In a recent interview with RE/MAX Times Online, Ryan O’Neill cited Billion Dollar Agent: Lessons Learned as his favorite book! O’Neill recommends it for real estate agents to help them get ahead. Billion Dollar Agent: Lessons Learned, by Best Agent Business president Steve Kantor, teaches goal building skills, helps readers put their real estate skills and career status in perspective, and provides tips and lessons learned from top real estate agents. Visit the Billion Dollar Agent website and the Billion Dollar Agent blog to learn more and get your copy!


Your Own Newspaper

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Many successful real estate agents use a custom newsletter, complete with paid advertising spots, to market to their target farm of over 10,000 homes. How would this work? Contact the experts at Best Agent Business for more information and to get started.



By Best Agent Business

Which of your clients have equity in their homes? You should focus your buyer-seller prospect marketing on these clients in this down market, especially if they are in a move-up stage of their life. We have the ability to develop any type of marketing plan you could think of. Contact us to see what we can do for you.


Listing Plan

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For our clients who use our Listing Management services, we create a 30-100 page Listing Plan which covers each detail of your listing management, screenshot by screenshot. This is invaluable way to create a system, make sure we have backup for your needs across assistants, and provide an asset for your business. If you do not have a current copy of your Listing Plan, just ask.


Research Your Leads

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Some people who might connect with you online have a strong internet presence. Assuming they have used their real names in places online, you may be able to find out information about them. You may also be able to access newspaper archives with information about them. Try searching by their name, including variations, or email address. If their name is common you should include their city and state to narrow the field. You could find some valuable background information to help make a connection. Best Agent Business has a research team that is great at doing this type of research. Contact us for more information!



Posted In: . By Best Agent Business

Will you be at the 2008 REALTORS® Conference & Expo in Orlando this weekend? We will be at booth 2360 and would like to meet you! We will be attending with a few Best Agent Business assistants and would love to give you an in-person thank you for doing business with us or to let you know more about our services. Be sure to direct other brokers or agents our way during the conference!