Have Your Tried a Mystery Shop on your Website?
A mystery shop is when someone goes to your website and uses like a real visitor, but they are evaluating it the whole time. What this mystery shop does is allow you to see your website from the point of view of a visitor. If you have not done a mystery shop of your website then it is something that you must have done.
A mystery shop will give you instant feedback about what is good and what is bad about your website. You will find out if your website is user friendly and if it is welcoming to a visitor. You will learn if the visitor can easily get their questions asked or if they feel like they are left with questions after visiting your website.
During a mystery shop the visitor will be using the forms you have available. They will be acting just like a regular visitor that is interested in using your website to buy or sell a home. If something is not working then they will let you know.
You take all the information that the mystery shopper gives you and you end up with pointers that you can use to make your website better. You will be able to correct problems and address issues to make your website user friendly. A mystery shop puts you in a great position to ensure that your website is representing you and your business in the best light.
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